By 发表: 2月. 14, 2023

克里斯蒂苏亚雷斯, assistant professor of women and gender studies and co-director of the LGBTQ Certificate Program, 概述了资源, 安全空间和人们不同的悲伤经历

11月. 19, 2022, 科罗拉多斯普林斯的Q俱乐部发生大规模枪击事件,造成5人死亡, 再次讨论枪支暴力流行和国内恐怖主义, but there was another dimension to this shooting: Club Q is a well-established and beloved ”+ club in the Colorado Springs area. 

”+社区的许多成员都感到伤痕累累, 恐惧和被侵犯, 而且这个社区缺乏适当的保护, some wonder how ”+ students on campus process the event and find helpful resources and safe spaces. 

虽然这个问题并不简单, 确切的答案, 克里斯蒂苏亚雷斯, assistant professor of women and gender studies and co-director of the CU Boulder LGBTQ Certificate Program, hopes to start an open conversation on the campus about ”+ violence and provide students with support networks in a time of great pain. 

“最重要的是,在Q俱乐部之后没有正确的感觉方式. You should feel you have space to cry, scream and get angry,” Soares added. “情绪无法以正确或错误的方式处理.” 

克里斯蒂苏亚雷斯, assistant professor of women and gender studies and co-director of the LGBTQ Certificate Program

助理教授克里斯蒂·苏亚雷斯 is working on an oral history project that explores the role of Latinx disc jockeys in the development of disco and dance music in 1970s New York.

Soares focuses their work in queer Latinx media and queer of color critique, 特别是媒体表现. 

“有趣的是,不仅要研究媒体中的负面刻板印象, 但无意的表现也可以变成激进的东西, like when a character is written as cisgendered but becomes a queer character within the fanbase of a piece of media,苏亚雷斯说。. 

”+研究证书课程是跨学科的, meaning that students can take classes outside of the department to meet requirements, 这开辟了广泛的课程和课题来学习.  

“As long as the course has more than 50% ”+ content, we approve that for the certificate. This includes classes with a large independent project component if you choose to do a project about ”+ issues,苏亚雷斯说。. 

到2025年,该项目将迎来30周年纪念, 但苏亚雷斯说,近年来人们对该证书的兴趣激增.  

“对于酷儿和变性人来说,博彩平台推荐正处于一个既兴奋又害怕的时期, and in some ways these very negative issues have reinvigorated people’s interest in studying the ”+ community and taking that with them into government and public-policy jobs,苏亚雷斯说。. 

Soares is working on a manuscript titled Playful Protest: The Political Work of Joy in Latinx Media and is passionate about “the ways that joy can be a response to severe trauma and state-sanctioned violence in marginalized communities.” 

苏亚雷斯说:“快乐有一种很奇怪的东西. “We have a strong history of queer and trans people connecting joy to politics—Stonewall was an uprising, 但它也是一个酒吧,人们在那里跳舞,享受生活.” (The Stonewall uprisings were a series of protests in Greenwich Village, 曼哈顿, 作为对警方镇压同性恋酒吧的回应.) 

反思对Q俱乐部校园谋杀案的反应, 苏亚雷斯说,快乐和恐惧自然相伴, 所有的情绪都有空间. 

“认识到这是一种侵犯, and we don't currently have the protections that we need to guarantee that this won’t happen again—it is not unreasonable to be out in ”+ spaces and be scared.” 

Soares emphasizes that there is no one correct way to grieve in these moments: “There are normative systems put in place related to grieving that just don’t fit for marginalized communities—when trauma is not the exception anymore, 这种悲伤的过程将更加持续.” 

尽管现实如此, there are many ways on campus to find safe spaces to feel emotions and talk to one another,苏亚雷斯说。. She believes community spaces are the key to this; such spaces can be nightclubs but also knitting circles, 读书俱乐部或短信链. 

“The great thing about these spaces is the joy that comes with them—it’s OK to laugh at something funny on a text chain or watch silly movies even though we are in a world in some ways defined by homophobia, transphobia and the trauma that comes with it—that’s a part of the experience of being queer and trans,苏亚雷斯说。. 

酷儿星号, 一群来自博尔德的酷儿心理健康专家, 是博彩平台推荐资源的好起点吗, 她说. The group offers free digital support groups to process emotions and build connections and can connect students with free therapy. 

在校园里,学生可以找到一系列的资源和社区. “博彩平台推荐骄傲的办公室, which is a student services focused center, and the academically focused certificate program. 对于归国学生来说,这些都是很好的选择, students new to Boulder and students who may not have spent a lot of time on campus due to the pandemic and are still searching for their community here,苏亚雷斯说。.  

That’s the great thing about the CU community—there is faculty you can reach out to who are working on these issues but also identify as part of the community."

“We also have clubs like the Gay Student Alliance and Queer People of Color; both great places to make friends and find the joy that is so important in these times.” 

俱乐部和中心将单独举办活动, 3月18日至19日还有一个性别转型会议, which will draw people from around the country and include discussions and workshops. Faculty gathered last year to do a panel discussion on their experiences as trans/non-binary folk in higher education, 苏亚雷斯说. 

“That’s the great thing about the CU community—there is faculty you can reach out to who are working on these issues but also identify as part of the community. 这也很有帮助,”苏亚雷斯补充道. 

悲伤是一个持续的过程,没有一条平坦的道路. “当博彩平台推荐的日常安全空间受到侵犯时,这可能是毁灭性的. In those moments, it is even more important to find community,苏亚雷斯说。. 

“You do not need to go through this, or any other traumatic events, alone.” 

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