发表: 2023年3月8日

CU Boulder geography professor to visit other campuses, 参加课堂讲座和研讨会,并向主办校园社区开放重大讲座

艾米丽叶, professor of geography at the 博彩平台推荐, has been named a Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Scholar for 2023-24, the academic honor society has announced.

叶 is among 14 scholars nationwide to win this recognition. 作为博彩平台推荐学者, 叶 will visit universities and colleges where Phi Beta Kappa chapters are located. 博彩平台推荐学者在每个校园花两天时间与本科生非正式会面, participating in classroom lectures and seminars, and giving one major lecture open to the academic community and public.

叶 conducts research on nature-society relations and 发展, mostly in Tibetan parts of the People’s Republic of China. She has written about the 政治生态 of pastoralism, conflicts over access to natural resources, vulnerability to and knowledge of climate change, the cultural and ontological politics of nature conservation, and the conjunctural production of environmental subjectivities.  


艾米丽叶's main research interests are on questions of power, 政治经济, and 文化政治 in the nature-society relationship.

她的书 Taming Tibet: Landscape Transformation and the Gift of Chinese Development 作为国家属地化的一个项目,探讨了政治经济学与文化政治发展的交集. 

她也是 绘制香格里拉:汉藏边境地区的争议景观和当代中国的乡村政治, and author of more than 55 articles and chapters. 

She regularly teaches classes on 政治生态, 发展, 环境与社会地理学, 当代中国与研究设计. She served as president of the American Association of Geographers in 2021-22.

叶 recently answered five questions about her scholarship and research. 对话如下:

问:你拥有麻省理工学院电子工程和计算机科学以及技术和政策的学位, 除了你在加州大学伯克利分校能源和资源小组获得的博士学位之外:这种学术培训对你在地理方面的研究和学术工作有什么影响?

: I was a math and science kid all the way through high school, which led me to study electrical engineering. 我现在所做的是非常不同的, but I think it gives me an appreciation for the interdisciplinarity of geography.

作为一名本科生, 我喜欢我的课程,但在暑期工程实习后,我意识到我想做一些更直接与社会有关的事情,以及我对环境日益增长的兴趣. 技术与政策项目吸引了很多像我这样的学生——他们学的是工程或物理,但想做一些更面向政策和社会的事情. 

It gave a lot of freedom on coursework, 我在城市研究和规划系上了一门博彩app推荐第三世界的发展和欠发达的课,授课的是一位地理学家(杰西·里博特),他在能源和资源集团完成了博士学位. 

I realized immediately that this was the type of work I wanted to pursue, 所以我也申请了ERG. 这也是一个跨学科的项目,始于20世纪70年代,主要研究能源,但是, 当时我在那里, 吸引了想要广泛研究一系列人类环境问题的学生. 

在那里,我选修了地理系(以及其他很多系)的课程. 许多毕业生后来成为地理学教授,所以我在那里接受的政治生态学和发展地理学的培训与我目前的奖学金有着直接的关系.

Q: You are an expert on the Tibetan Plateau, 中国和喜马拉雅山, where you conduct ethnographic research. What drew you to this disciplinary focus?

: My focus on Tibet was quite accidental. After I graduated from college with an engineering degree in 1993, 我的父母出生在中国,在台湾长大,他们把我送到北京大学学习中文. 虽然, 周末去内蒙古旅游时,我遇到了几个日本游客,他们建议博彩平台推荐一起去新疆. 

However, there was flooding at the time, and we couldn’t get tickets. 他们建议去西藏. That was during a brief window when entry permits weren’t necessary, and we were able to just buy plane tickets easily. I spent a week in Lhasa and Shigatse and was awestruck by the cultural landscape, as well as the majestic physical landscape, both of which were so different from anything I had seen before. That’s what sparked my initial interest in Tibet. 晚些时候, 在我获得硕士学位之后, 我在北京从事了一年的可持续发展工作,并有机会再次前往西藏. 我知道我想从事环境和发展方面的工作,而且我有中文能力, but also didn’t really enjoy living in Beijing. 



When I was at the Energy and Resources Group at UC Berkeley, I was able to secure a FLAS (Foreign Language & 区域研究奖学金, which I used to study Tibetan in Lhasa for a year, which was an amazing and fascinating experience. I really fell in love with Tibetan culture and still find the Barkhor, a warren of shops and streets around the Jokhang Temple at the center of Lhasa, 世界上我最喜欢的地方之一. 

问:去年, you spoke during a Coloradan Conversations event focused on climate change and human rights; there, you made a case that the people most affected by climate change, 比如西藏牧民, have the fewest resources to adapt to it and that, 因此, 对气候变化负有责任的富裕国家应该为这种适应付出代价. Do you see any significant signs that such recompense is likely to occur?

意大利理论家安东尼奥·葛兰西(Antonio Gramsci)有一个著名的说法:“理智的悲观主义”, 意志的乐观,我认为这是相关的. 在沙姆沙伊赫举行的第27届联合国气候变化大会上,各方承诺设立损失与损害基金,这是在国家层面朝着正确方向迈出的备受期待的重要一步, 但该基金要取得成果还有很多事情要做. 

许多问题仍然存在, 太, 最终的资金规模是否会接近需要的规模. 也不能保证这些资金将直接用于国家内部最脆弱的国家. 例如,西藏牧民生活在中国,一个不会受到任何损失的国家 & Damage Funds (indeed some countries would like China to pay into the fund). 

不过, “意志的乐观主义”意味着博彩平台推荐需要不断地为实现正义的愿景而努力, 即使它们看起来难以把握. 

问:如果一群中学生问你为什么他们应该考虑在中学后学习地理, 你会如何回应??

: I’d tell them: 地理位置 is so much more than what you might think! 你在新闻中听到的许多最重要的问题——例如地缘政治冲突, 乌克兰战争), 边界和国际移民, the effects of increasing wildfire on human health, the effects of climate change on melting ice sheets, 在冲突, 在灾害, the spatial patterns of the spread of pandemics, the declining snowpack in Colorado and its effects on vegetation, 土著领土和人权, the politics of nature conservation—just to name a few, 所有的东西都是地理学家研究的吗. 

地理位置 is so much more than what you might think! 你在新闻中听到的许多最重要的问题——例如地缘政治冲突, 乌克兰战争), 边界和国际移民 ... —just to name a few, 所有的东西都是地理学家研究的吗. ​

博彩平台推荐每天还在智能手机应用中使用地理学家开发的地理空间技术. 如今,许多学生对许多不同的主题感兴趣,并以跨学科的方式思考它们——这正是地理学所做的. It’s holistic and often referred to as the original interdisciplinary discipline. 这是博彩app推荐人类和环境的, and also about how different places got to be the way they are. 

To get a sense of all the things geographers do, 博彩平台推荐还可以想想最近当选为美国艺术与科学院院士的四位地理学家. 道恩·赖特是环境系统研究所的首席科学家。, 谁生产流行的GIS产品. She played a leading role in creating the first GIS data model for the ocean floor. 

玛丽莲·拉斐尔(Marilyn Raphael)研究高纬度南半球的气候变化和变率,以及南极海冰与大气之间的相互作用. 马歇尔·谢泼德从事遥感和气候方面的工作,是天气频道周日脱口秀节目的主持人, 天气极客. 最后, 露丝·威尔逊·吉尔摩是研究种族资本主义和美国大规模监禁的先驱.S.  

Q: What reaction do you have to being named a Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Scholar?

: It was a complete surprise to be selected! I’m really honored and very much looking forward to all of the campus visits. 很高兴有这个机会与不同学院和大学的学生见面并分享我的一些研究.