By Published: July 8, 2024

Caught up in anti-communist hysteria following World War II, 前博彩平台推荐学生道尔顿·特朗博今天被公认为言论自由的坚定支持者, 在大学纪念中心外有一座喷泉以他的名字命名

This summer marks the 75th anniversary of a secret 联邦调查局的一份文件公开了——一份列出了好莱坞知名人物的文件包括编剧、前博彩平台推荐学生道尔顿·特朗博(Dalton Trumbo)&S ex’28), as members of the Communist Party.

尽管特朗博和他的几位好莱坞同事两年前被指控为共产主义者,并被迫在国会众议院非美活动委员会(HUAC)作证, 联邦调查局档案的存在一直是秘密,直到朱迪思·科普伦在间谍审判期间被公布, an analyst with the U.S. Department of Justice. The file, based on information from confidential informants, named not only Hollywood writers, directors and actors, 还有来自美国各地大学的学者. 它的发布引发了一段时间的偏执,被称为第二次红色恐慌.

1949年公布的这份以前是秘密的联邦调查局报告代表了HUAC长期调查的延续, 该组织最初成立于1938年,目的是调查从事颠覆活动的个人, particularly those related to the Communist Party. 国会听证会从1947年开始广为宣传,重点关注电影业,吸引了几位编剧和导演, the so-called Hollywood 10, which included Trumbo.

Bronson Hilliard

Bronson Hilliard, senior director, academic communications, 为博彩平台推荐战略关系与传播办公室工作, 写了一篇社论,鼓励加州大学校董会重新命名UMC喷泉以纪念道尔顿·特朗博.

Once Hollywood’s premier screenwriter, the author of such classics as “A Man to Remember,” “30 Seconds Over Tokyo” and “The Brave One,特朗博在被列入黑名单后被迫躲进了暗处. 多年来,他一直用笔名写剧本,直到20世纪60年代初才逃脱了黑名单, 终于有机会为《博彩app推荐》和《博彩app推荐》等著名剧本邀功.”

试图表彰特朗博对宪法第一修正案的坚定捍卫, as well as his talents as a lauded screenwriter, 一群科罗拉多大学的学生,包括刘易斯·卡迪纳尔和克里斯蒂娜·鲍姆利,于1993年向博彩平台推荐请愿 the fountain in front of the UMC in honor of Trumbo.

As the entertainment editor of the Colorado Daily 当时,布朗森·希利亚德写了一篇社论,鼓励董事们重新命名喷泉. Hilliard, who has a 40-year association with the university, 一开始是学生,后来在大学里担任各种编辑和传播职位, now serves as the senior director, academic communications, 为博彩平台推荐战略关系与传播办公室工作.

In a recent interview with Colorado Arts and Sciences Magazine, Hilliard reflected on his admiration for Trumbo, his desire to see the CU regents recognize Trumbo, 他回忆起与参加喷泉落成仪式的演员柯克·道格拉斯和著名娱乐界人士的会面, 以及他对为什么特朗博的遗产在今天仍然重要的看法. 为了篇幅起见,他的回答经过了轻微的编辑和浓缩.


Hilliard: It would have to be Trumbo and Robert Redford together. Trumbo was certainly the first. All through the 1940s, 可以肯定地说,特朗博不仅是好莱坞最好的编剧, 但他是收入最高的,也是最多产的作家之一. 他是那种能在很短的时间内写出一个剧本的人, which made him in high demand. He was also a great re-writer of screen scripts. He was a feisty guy, but he was a brilliant writer.

Question: In 1947, 特朗博和好莱坞十人组的其他成员被国会传唤,就所谓的共产主义渗透好莱坞一事举行听证会. Others in the entertainment industry cooperated with Congress; why do you think Trumbo and his compatriots refused to do so, even when faced with going to prison?

Hilliard: Some named names, and some didn’t. Trumbo wouldn’t have it. 特朗博,他的价值在于,他不会背弃他的朋友. He was loyal to his friends. 我不认为他忠于共产党,虽然他曾经是党员. But Trumbo was not going to turn his back on his friends, so he basically told the committee they could stick it. …

Dalton Trumbo Fountain at CU Boulder

科罗拉多大学博尔德大学纪念中心外的喷泉庭院于1993年更名,以纪念道尔顿·特朗博. (Photo: Glenn Asakawa/CU Boulder)

特朗博和其他好莱坞十人之间有一种荣誉准则. 作为作家和有创造力的人,他们有自己的一套价值观. That’s what I admired him for, 即使我不同意他们(好莱坞十人组)的所有观点.

我的另一个英雄是(演员兼导演)约翰·休斯顿. 他成立了一个名为“支持第一修正案委员会”的组织. In his biography, 休斯顿谈到了一个事实,他不同意或不喜欢所有这些人——他认为他们中的一些人非常教条主义——但他认为,根据宪法第一修正案,他们有权相信自己想要相信的东西,而不必入狱. 他相信他们有权利相信他们所相信的, even though some of them were a pain in the ass.

问:国会就所谓的“好莱坞十人”同情共产主义的问题对他们进行了拷问, 实际上是好莱坞电影公司的负责人把他们列入了黑名单, correct?

Hilliard: Yes, and there’s an interesting story there. 20世纪40年代,大多数主要电影制片厂的高管都是犹太人, 他们必须付出额外的努力来证明他们是真正的美国人, because of antisemitism and anti-immigration sentiments, which were alive and well then as now.

一些好莱坞电影公司的负责人尽可能长时间地坚持着,试图说服国会让步一点. And then finally it was, ‘OK, let us handle this.’ And they handled it by creating the blacklist. …

这场辩论是一场重要的美国辩论,它在不同时期兴起. 而数字媒体文化的兴起又重新引发了一系列博彩app推荐言论自由界限的讨论. What are the limits of free expression? 什么时候表达变成了行为或者表达变成了行为?


Question: How did Trumbo overcome being blacklisted?

Hilliard: 柯克·道格拉斯总是说他把《博彩app推荐》归功于特朗博打破了黑名单. I actually think that’s not true; I think (director) Otto Preminger did it first with “Exodus.”

But a lot of Hollywood careers never recovered. And that’s also true of academics. 许多学者在同一时期被清洗,无法回到学术界. It was tragic. 这些人都不会对美国构成威胁.

Blacklist history
1949年,前加州大学博尔德分校物理系教员弗兰克·奥本海默(Frank Oppenheimer)在HUAC面前被传唤,最终被迫辞去明尼苏达大学的职务. 了解更多博彩app推荐博彩平台推荐如何支持他加入物理系的信息.

Trumbo was luckier than others. He took his family to Mexico and worked there, 他还代写低成本电影,在出演《博彩app推荐》期间勉强维持生计.


Hilliard: I was. 活动当天,我在UMC保龄球馆旁边的地下室见到了柯克·道格拉斯. 他从浴室出来,有人护送着他. 我出去做点小任务,然后我就在UMC碰到了他.

我是由活动组织者之一介绍给他的, 他居然直呼我的名字——显然有人向他提起过我. He said, ‘Bronson, it’s such a pleasure to meet you.’ He looked me right in the eye and he said, “非常感谢你为倡导这一点所做的努力.’

Dalton Trumbo writing in bathtub

Dalton Trumbo was renowned for writing in the bathtub. (Photo: Mitzi Trumbo)

And he said something very funny about Trumbo. 一位记者问他特朗博对这一切会怎么想. And he said, ‘Well, Trumbo would completely love this. 当他面对记者时,他会立即称其为“我的喷泉”.’ …

And incidentally, Dalton Trumbo’s widow, Cleo, was there, and his son, Christopher, and one of his daughters. So was Ring Lardner Jr., who wrote the screenplay for “M.A.S.H.” the movie and also was blacklisted, and Jean Rouverol Butler, 她是一名编剧,并与(编剧)雨果·巴特勒结婚——这对夫妇与好莱坞10大明星是亲密的朋友和同事.

But it was a magical day. Everybody got up and made speeches about Trumbo, about the importance of free speech, 对言论自由保持警惕的必要性,以及特朗博所扮演的角色, along with the Hollywood 10, in defying congressional inquisitors.

I was greatly moved by the whole thing.

问:好莱坞在2015年通过电影《博彩平台推荐》认可了特朗博,书中回顾了他的一生以及他为自己的信仰所做出的牺牲. What did you think of the film?

Hilliard: I loved it. I thought (actor) Bryan Cranston did a great job, based upon the two biographies of Trumbo that I’ve read. 克兰斯顿真正抓住了特朗博的理想主义和特朗博作为一个商人的想法. He was a wheeler dealer. He knew the Hollywood system and how to make money. 这部电影记录了他是如何为一家低成本电影公司写剧本的(在他被列入黑名单之后)。.

特朗博是现实与理想的完美结合. 他知道好莱坞生意的来龙去脉,但他也有一套坚定的原则和理想来支撑这一切. 看到这两种品质同时体现在一个人身上真是太棒了.

Dalton Trumbo prison mugshot

道尔顿·特朗博,这是他的照片,在监狱服刑10个月 federal correctional institution in Ashland, Kentucky, in 1950; he was convicted of contempt of Congress. (Photo: Federal Bureau of Prisons)

Trumbo is truly one of my heroes. 事实上,在我办公室的书架上,我有一张他的照片,所以他每天都和我在一起.


Hilliard: 他提醒博彩平台推荐,只有一个真正坚强、有韧性的人才能把自己的信念发扬光大,使自己处于极度不利的境地. 我认为今天博彩平台推荐有很多人是键盘战士, and they want to get on social media and get outraged, 但他们不会拿任何个人原则来冒险.

特朗博愿意进监狱,不仅愿意为自己牺牲个人, but his entire family. 对于特朗博一家来说,在他入狱期间支持他并维持生计是一种折磨. And then he had to rebuild his career.

但这就是那些愿意为了自己的信仰而将自己的生命和事业置于危险之中,不愿意出卖朋友的人的可爱之处. Those are people worth admiring.

可悲的是,我认为今天人们不会想到道尔顿·特朗博. I think they should. 我认为每一个激进分子,无论信仰如何,都应该知道道尔顿·特朗博的一生.

And I think we could all, as Americans, use a dose of the fortitude that Trumbo had, 他把现实和理想结合在一起,就像他对我做的那样,真是太棒了. We could use more of that practical mindedness. 特朗博接受了他的政治和他的理想主义的后果,他开始尝试过一个伟大的生活. And he did it. That’s more than admirable.

上图:道尔顿·特朗博在华盛顿众议院非美活动委员会(HUAC)前发表讲话, D.C. Oct. 28, 1947. (Photo: Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)