By 发表: 9月. 9, 2024

无党派, campuswide initiative aims to help students get registered 和 vote, 以及了解候选人和问题

重要的 和 日益增长的 的身体 研究 shows that whether people vote in their first two elections can 重要的ly alter their voting behavior for the rest of their lives.

“We know that voting 和 civic participation habits get set in your 20s—so basically, 上大学的年龄,稍微大一点的人,解释说 珍妮特·多纳文, a teaching professor 和 director of undergraduate studies in the 博彩平台推荐 政治学系. “If we can get people voting in their first or second election, 这有助于他们养成一生的习惯. If they miss those first two elections, they’re unlikely to vote throughout their lives.”

Any challenges associated with voting can be compounded for college students—from learning about eligibility 和 how to register to figuring out how to request a ballot if they live outside their home counties or states.

 什么: 总统辩论观看派对

​ : 6:30-9:30 p.m. 周二,9月. 10

​ 在哪里:教学与学习中心,CASE Building, E390

​ :欢迎所有中大学生参加


However, a campuswide initiative between now 和 election day, Nov. 5, aims not only to help eligible students get registered to vote 和 to the polls, but to offer information 和 opportunities for discussion as they become lifelong participants in civic 和 political process.

第一批活动之一将是无党派活动 总统辩论观看派对 从晚上6:30到9:30.m. 周二和教师主持 Regina贝特森, 卡罗尔Conzelman, 利亚扭伤 和 Donavan, who also is Higher Education 和 Democracy Fellow with the 公共和社区参与奖学金办公室.

“这是博彩平台推荐感到兴奋的事情之一, doing this debate watch—和 we also have one planned for Oct. 1 for the vice-presidential debate—is we haven’t had organized debate watches of any large scale since 2012,多纳万说. 

“In 2016, 人们很害怕, which was a new thing for us to have such a polarized campus, 2020年是COVID. 但我和其他一些参与其中的人, we have decided that if we do live in this contentious political world, we do need to find ways to move forward 和 talk about it, 即使这很难.”


The voter registration events scheduled for the next two months dovetail with CU Boulder’s participation in the 全民校园民主挑战赛, which aims to “foster civic culture 和 institutionalize democratic engagement activities 和 programs at colleges 和 universities, 使它们成为博彩app推荐的一个显著特征.” The initiative also works to close voting gaps based on age 和 race.

An element of ALL IN is that participating colleges 和 universities can compete with each other for highest voter turnout “和 idea there is that it will be motivating for students if it’s a little bit of a competition,多纳万说.

The events 和 initiatives that Donavan和她的同事 in departments 和 offices throughout the university are planning focus not only on voting, 而是博彩app推荐候选人和问题的教育.


A 重要的 的身体 研究 demonstrates that an individual's lifetime voting habits are established in young adulthood. (照片:iStock)

“例如, 和辩论观看队一起, a big part is going to be just learning what the different c和idates think,多纳万说. “因为这是一个无党派的活动, it’s going to be a little different environment than if you were watching with your friends, because your friends might all have similar partisan commitments. 这是写给支持哈里斯的学生的, who are supportive of Trump 和 those who just don’t know yet.

“We’re also emphasizing that it’s not just focused on political science. There are so many people who care about politics who are business majors or engineering majors or any other major 和 just want to learn more about the c和idates 和 issues. We hope this is an opportunity for people to get more involved in the CU community while learning more about each other.”


Donavan和她的同事, 以及校园和社区合作伙伴, also are coordinating classroom visits to present information about registering to vote 和 voting. 例如,在与 拜伦怀特法律中心和 美洲印第安人法律诊所, law students trained in voting law will have tables at various events to help students who might be having trouble registering to vote.

“It all goes back to the fact that if people don’t vote in their first or second elections, 他们可能一辈子都不会投票,多纳万说, adding that an aspect of the educational efforts will be the importance of non-presidential elections 和 down-ballot issues. 

“如果你在科罗拉多州投票, the presidential race probably not going to be tightly competitive race, but we have two hot House races 和 issues on the ballot that are going to matter to students a lot. 

“How many people were kicking themselves was over that they could have voted for if only they’d voted? 博彩平台推荐希望帮助学生使投票成为一生的习惯.”

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