
Starting out at a new school can be difficult, especially if you are moving away from friends or 家庭.   

Here are a few strategies you can use to overcome homesickness this semester. 

1. 保持乐观

While it may not be obvious, many students feel homesick, even as transfer students. Remind yourself that it’s okay to experience homesickness, especially after you've said goodbye to your friends, 家庭, 家庭还是日常. 

It’s also important to keep in mind that homesickness is temporary. Chances are that whatever you're feeling will lessen over time as you become more familiar with campus life and the people at CU. 

Here are some tips for staying hopeful: 

  • Set small, achievable goals, like attending one campus event or talking to someone new each week. 
  • Remind yourself of the reasons you chose to attend CU and the opportunities that lie ahead. 
  • Allow yourself to feel your feelings, and then let them go. 
  • Remind yourself that homesickness can be a sign that you have loving relationships with others, 什么是值得感激的. 

2. 保持联系

As you navigate life on campus and meet new people, it’s important to keep in touch with your friends and 家庭 back home. Even if your friends are attending different colleges or living in other cities, checking in and catching up can help you feel more connected.   

If you’re struggling, reach out to someone you trust and talk through it. Leaning on people you love can help remind you that you’re not alone and that you have people you can rely on in tough times. Having a solid support system back home is important, but it also shouldn’t impede you from spending time or creating new connections here at CU. 


  • Schedule regular calls or video chats with friends or families. 
  • 互相交换信件. After all, who doesn’t like receiving something in the mail? 
  • Stay connected over social by sharing your experiences (or continuing to exchange memes). 
  • Create a group chat to keep everyone in the loop and provide collective support. 

3. 建立例行公事

独立生活, 在一个新地方航行, taking on more responsibilities and juggling a potentially demanding class schedule may require you to adjust your normal routine. 事实上, 创建例行公事, 不管它有多小, can help ease feelings of anxiety and make life more predictable.  

Here are some easy ways to add routine to your days:  

  • Take the same route to and from your classes. 
  • Meet up with friends, classmates or hallmates to eat around the same time. 
  • Plan out your time for classes, studying and socializing.  
  • Find a study spot on campus that helps you focus.  
  • Establish a consistent laundry or cleaning schedule for your space. 

4. Put yourself out there (even if it’s hard)

Making friends as an adult may seem harder than it used to be. It can feel intimidating to be vulnerable and put yourself out there. 然而, it's important to remember that if you're struggling to make new friends or find ‘your people' here on campus, 你并不孤单. 

Here are a few ways you can work to put yourself out there:  

  • Avoid relying on one person to ‘have it all.’ 
  • Stay open to making different friends for different reasons (e.g., someone who is good to study with may not be the same person who would make a good confidant). 
  • Get together as a group if you’re nervous about hanging out with someone one-on-one. 
  • Become a regular at events or campus activities. 
  • Sit near the same people in your classes and join study groups. 
  • Remind yourself that some students may be struggling to find connections, so do your best to be inclusive and invite others to tag along.  

5. 连接资源


每学期, Student Affairs hosts hundreds of events, workshops and other opportunities to get involved. Check out upcoming opportunities to meet other Buffs and have fun on campus.  


找到资源, events and opportunities to build community with your fellow transfer students on campus.  


Do you commute to CU or live off campus? Get involved with the 校园之外的爱好 Program to meet other students, 博彩平台推荐通勤休息室等.  


Meet with a trained student to explore ways to make friends on campus, 设定目标, create routines and make the most of your time at CU Boulder.  


Check out a variety of ways to get involved, 包括学生组织, 领导和志愿者机会, 事件及更多. 


Join a community of first-gen students to socialize, 了解校园资源, 寻找支持和更多. 


The 骄傲的办公室 supports LGBTQ+ students through community events, 社会空间, 资源及更多. 


Residence halls on campus host events to help students meet their hallmates. Check with your RA to learn about upcoming events.