Catalog: The TESOL Certificate Program

本科TESOL证书为博彩平台推荐的学生提供了英语教学的基础知识和技能,同时也融入了更广泛的文化视角, language use and language learning. Housed in the linguistics department, 18学分的证书对所有感兴趣的学生开放, 这可能与社会科学专业的学生特别相关, humanities, speech/language, foreign language, 国际事务和传播专业或背景. 应届毕业生和其他持有学士学位的人可以通过继续教育注册为Access学生.

英语作为国际通用语的广泛作用为全球训练有素的英语教师提供了许多机会. Increasingly, 英语作为外语的提供者希望雇佣受过相关培训的人,而不仅仅是那些以英语为母语或接近英语为母语的人. In conjunction with their bachelor’s degrees, 完成该证书的学生将有资格在全球和国内充满活力的英语教学世界中获得专业机会.

The program is focused on the teaching of English to young adults and adults; students with an interest in teaching younger children can apply relevant elective courses from education. Electives also include courses in anthropology, communication, foreign languages, and speech/language. 一个学期的实习经历包括与科罗拉多大学或当地社区的英语语言服务提供者一起教学或辅导. 

Highlights of the 18-credit-hour Certificate:

  • LING-TESOL core of 3 courses (9 credit hours)
  • 选修3门语言学习相关科目(9学分), language(s), communication, culture and society.

Changes to our TESOL Certificate Program (Fall 2020) 

自2020年秋季起,我校不再提供本科TESOL证书. 这对目前的TESOL证书考生没有影响. 博彩平台推荐鼓励有兴趣在TESOL领域寻求教学机会的个人探索博彩平台推荐new TESOL track (for Linguistics majors) or TESOL minor (for non-Linguistics majors). Learn more about each here. 每个选项都将包括由语言学系颁发的TESOL证书. 有关这些选项的更多信息,请联系TESOL主任Dr. Rai Farrelly. The Director will also advise students on their course plans. The Linguistics undergraduate academic advisor Dr. Allison Sedey 是否还能帮助学生将课程融入他们的学位计划. 

Certificate Completion

对于在2020年秋季之前被宣布为TESOL证书考生的学生, you may continue toward completion of the certificate. 请注意,获得证书需要满足课程要求,并在所有证书课程中获得C或更高的成绩. 在非正式成绩单的基础上批准入学, plan of study, and the information provided on the application form. 一旦您满足所有证书要求,即可申请完成证书, you must fill out and submit the Certificate Completion Form. 一旦博彩平台推荐通过下面的填写表格提供了所有必要的信息,博彩平台推荐将通知您您的完成状态. If you have successfully met all requirements, 你参加的证书课程将记录在你的官方成绩单上.

如果您有兴趣将您的TESOL证书计划转换为TESOL轨道(语言学专业)或TESOL辅修(非语言学专业), please contact Dr. Rai Farrelly or academic advisor Dr. Allison Sedey.

TESOL Certificate Curriculum Plan

18 credit hours (for a printable PDF of the certificate requirements, click here)

以英语为重点的三门核心语言学课程,包括实习 (9 credit hours)

  • LING 4630 (3 credits). Principles & Practices in TESOL
  • LING 4610 (3 credits). English Structure for TESOL
  • LING 4910 (3 credits). TESOL Practicum


  • LING 4630 had been listed as LING 3630 prior to Fall 2020.
  • 凌3630的前身是凌3800:开放主题:TESOL入门. 参加LING 3800课程的学生可以将此课程应用于证书.
  • ling4910不能用于语言学专业或辅修专业, 但是对于新的辅修TESOL课程和语言学专业的TESOL课程是必需的.

Three Elective Courses (9 credit hours)
Choose any three courses below from at least two subject areas. Only ONE course may be cross-listed with LING.


  • 学生应该了解可能适用于以下高级课程的先决条件.
  • Electives besides those listed below may be considered. 学生可以向证书学术主任提出他们的选修课程,以获得批准.

Language Learning/Teaching and Literacy

  • SLHS/LING 4560 - Language Development
  • EDUC 2625 - Teaching English as a Second Language
  • EDUC 4125 - Secondary World Language Methods
  • EDUC 4222 - Language Study for Educators 
  • EDUC 4425 – Introduction to Bilingual/Multilingual Education

Language, Culture, Society

  • ANTH 1170 - Exploring Culture and Gender through Film
  • ANTH 2100 - Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
  • 当代古巴文化:种族,性别和权力
  • ANTH/LING 4800 - Language and Culture
  • ARAB 1011 - Introduction to Arab and Islamic Civilizations
  • 阿拉伯/WMST 3410 -性别,性和文化在现代中东
  • ASIA 3300 - Sex and Gender in Asian Film and Literature
  • CHIN 1012 - Introduction to Chinese Civilization
  • CHIN 2441 - Film and the Dynamics of Chinese Culture
  • COMM 2400 - Discourse, Culture & Identities
  • COMM 3410 - Intercultural Communication
  • FREN 3700 - French-American Cultural Differences
  • FRSI 1011 - Introduction to Persian Civilization
  • GRMN 1601 - Germany Today
  • GRMN 3520 -文化背景下的开放话题(德语授课)
  • GRMN 3514 - German Film & Society After 1989
  • HIND 1011 - Introduction to South Asian Civilizations
  • ITAL 1500 - That's Amore: An Introduction to Italian Culture
  • ital4030 -当代意大利文化,政治和媒体
  • ITAL 4290 - Italian Culture Through Cinema
  • ITAL 4300 - Multiculturalism in Italy
  • JPNS 1012 - Introduction to Japanese Civilization
  • JPNS 2441 - Japanese Culture through Film and Anime
  • JPNS 3851 - Studies in Japanese Popular Culture
  • KREN 1011 - Introduction to Korean Civilization
  • KREN 2441 - Film and Korean Culture
  • KREN 3851 - Studies in Korean Popular Culture
  • PORT 2800 - Brazil: Past and Present 
  • PORT 3220 -拉丁美洲文化:西班牙美洲和巴西
  • RUSS 2221 - Introduction to Modern Russian Culture
  • 斯拉夫民俗文化:当代世界的理想和价值观
  • SOCY 4132 - Gender, Islam and Modernity
  • SPAN 3200 - Spanish Culture
  • SPAN 3220 -拉丁美洲文化:西班牙美洲和巴西
  • WGST 2600 - Gender, Race, and Class in a Global Context
  • WGST 3410 -现代中东地区的性别、性与文化
  • WGST 4471 - Women in 20th-21st Century Russian Culture

Career Potential with a TESOL Certificate

拥有TESOL证书的个人有资格在国内和国际的许多环境中教授英语作为一种额外的语言. 机会包括为美国的私人和非营利性语言项目工作.S.,面对面或在线辅导学习者,并在当地学校担任辅助教育工作者. Internationally, 有很多很好的机会可以把对教学的热爱与对旅行和国外生活的兴趣结合起来. TESOL证书持有者将成为世界各地各种英语教学职位的有吸引力的候选人,例如: 
