
CU Boulder policy prohibits 歧视和骚扰 based on protected-class identity. Unfair treatment or intimidating behavior aimed at any university community member based on an aspect of identity protected by CU Boulder policy is unacceptable and reportable to the university.

的 受保护阶层不歧视 policy applies to behaviors committed by or against a CU student, 工作人员, or faculty member in any location on or off campus, including out of state or out of the country.

阅读全文 受保护阶层不歧视 Policy.

读了 anti-Semitic and anti-Islamic harassment statement from CU's Chief Compliance Officer.

读了 FAQs on CU Boulder's 政策 and Processes Regarding Racist Speech by Students.

根据大学政策, 受保护阶层包括种族, color, 国家的起源, 怀孕, 性, 年龄, 残疾, 信条, 宗教, 性取向, 性别认同及其表达, 资深地位, 婚姻状况, and political affiliation/philosophy.

的 university construes antisemitism, 伊斯兰恐惧症, and caste to be included within the university’s current prohibitions on discrimination or harassment, which may be based on the protected classes of race, color, 宗教, 信条, 国家的起源, 或祖先. All protected classes listed above encompass intersectional identities.

读了 definitions of each protected class.

任何口头骚扰, 写, or physical conduct whether online or in-person related to one’s protected-class identity that unreasonably interferes with an individual’s work or academic performance or creates an intimidating or hostile work, 教育或生活环境.


  • Identity-based jokes or comments that create a hostile environment
  • Being treated differently based on identity
  • Intimidating behaviors directed at someone based on identity

A hostile environment means that someone has experienced unwelcome behavior that is severe, 持续的, or pervasive enough that it unreasonably interferes, 限制, or deprives them of participating in or benefitting from university programs or activities.

Discrimination occurs when an individual suffers an adverse consequence based on a protected-class identity. An adverse consequence is when someone is deprived of or denied a material benefit (money, 一份工作, 资源, 等.) based on their protected-class identity.


  • Denial of admission to an academic program
  • Not being funded for a project or not being promoted or hired for 一份工作
  • Being denied a reasonable accommodation, due to:
    • 宗教仪式 
    • Pregnancy or giving birth to a child
    • 医学残疾证明

的 university must provide reasonable accommodations for students, 工作人员, 残疾学院, 宗教/信仰, 和怀孕. For questions about 怀孕 and 残疾-related accommodations for employees and other ADA questions, 联系 ADA合规 在OIEC. For questions about 残疾-related accommodations for students, 联系 残疾人服务. For questions about requests for accommodations of 宗教 or 信条, 联系 OIEC.

Read more about navigating freedom of speech vs. 歧视和骚扰 在这里.

虐待, 欺凌, or other harassing behaviors that are unrelated to protected-class identity cannot be investigated by OIEC, but they still have a negative impact. 有 校园资源 to support and provide additional guidance on addressing these types of concerns, such as Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution, 员工关系, Ombuds办公室, 系主任系主任或系主任, 教师的关系 如果涉及到教员. Other university policies that may apply include:

审查 所有其他大学政策 if concerns are not covered 在这里 or 联系 a 校园资源 了解更多信息.

同工同酬法案 1月1日生效, 2021, protects employees against pay discrimination based on 性 (including gender identity) – alone or in combination with another protected class – for substantially similar work in terms of skill, 努力, 和责任, 不管职位是什么.

Anyone who believes they or others have been unlawfully discriminated against based on compensation can 向OIEC报告. Supervisors and other responsible employees 必须向政府报告 any discrimination they are aware of.

For more information about the 同工同酬法案, answers to frequently asked questions, and general inquiries about compensation practices, 请参阅 中大博尔德HR网页, 教务处 for faculty salary and equity processes, or the CU系统管理网站.