发表: 12月. 11, 2023

12月11日,博尔德学院大会. 7 wrapped up its fall semester with an update from Provost Russ Moore on his priorities 和 passed four resolutions, including one supporting prioritizing climate change 和 sustainability actions as “the central focus” of campus initiatives 和 one endorsing an Oct. 28 University of Colorado Springs resolution supporting Israeli 和 Palestinian communities impacted by the Israel-Hamas war 和 advocating for “the interchange of ideas” around the conflict.

在概述他的 2023 - 24优先级 对于大会, 摩尔说 the campus was looking closely at “the entire process” by which new CU Boulder students are enrolled in one of the schools 和 colleges or in the Program for Exploratory Studies to ensure they “are happy with their enrollment choice.” 

在其他优先事项中, he said his team was analyzing how to improve academic support for first-year students, particularly how Residential Academic Programs 和 Living 和 Learning Communities could be extended to more students, 和 he described the campus’s focus on “creating 和 exp和ing wraparound services to help all our students succeed—meaning tutoring, 建议, 非学术充实计划.” 

Moore also updated the group on the implementation of updates to CU Administrative Policy Statements 50535060, 的焦点, 分别, on allowing five-year contracts for specialized teaching-track 教师 with high records of achievement 和 on creating new teaching-track 教师 title sequences (参见相关报道). 

Responding to a question on the campus’s new budget model negatively impacting its High-Impact Practices (HIPS) for student retention, 摩尔说, “The budget that was in my office has now gone to colleges 和 schools; it’s an opportunity for schools 和 colleges to prioritize HIPS. There are plenty of resources to invest in those priorities; investment in those HIPS would have a beneficial effect on the bottom line.” 

Responding to a question on funding shortfalls for deferred maintenance 和 classroom infrastructure, 比如粉笔板, 摩尔说 economic downturns had prompted the campus to redirect some classroom improvement funds in order to help colleges 和 schools adjust to impacts from implementing the campus’s new budget model. 摩尔说: “This year, we’ll put those funds back to use,” 和 that the campus has “a plan to systematically improve classrooms 和 classroom technologies” that will be implemented in stages. 


The assembly entertained discussion 和 voted strongly in favor of a 分辨率(PDF) to “endorse prioritizing climate change 和 sustainability actions to be the central focus of our campuswide initiatives” through “education, 研究, 外展, 和沟通.” 

Joined by CU Boulder Registrar Kristi Wold-McCormick 和 Vice Provost for Academic Planning 和 Assessment Katherine Eggert, 大会听说了创造的必要性 先前学习学分的新学术政策(PDF) due to changes from Colorado Department of Higher 教育 guidelines. 博鳌亚洲论坛学术委员会, 由加勒特·布莱德森代表, 提出了一项相关决议,将于2月份进行表决.

大会也 投票通过(PDF) BFA决议(BFA- r -2-120123)批准了类似的10. 28 resolution by the University of Colorado Springs’ College of Letters, 艺术, 和 科学s (LAS) that calls for “supporting community members from all backgrounds” 和 re-commits to the mission of promoting “the interchange of ideas in the pursuit of truth 和 learning, 包括种族多样性, 文化, 地理位置, 政治, 知识和哲学的观点和背景.” 

大会批准了另外两项行动: a resolution to update BFA bylaws to reflect current membership, election, 和 voting rights (PDF) 然后改变到 博鳌亚洲论坛委员会主席遴选程序常务规则(PDF).


The assembly received an update by BFA Chair Shelly 米勒 和 Eggert on the campus’s 校历提案去年11月,欧洲议会就该问题进行了民意调查. 摩尔正在审查投票结果, Chief Operating Officer Pat O’Rourke 和 Chancellor Phil DiStefano. 校长将对日程做出最后决定. 

The assembly received an update from 米勒 on the search for a new CU Boulder chancellor. 米勒, 谁是搜索委员会的成员, 他指出,遴选委员会将于12月9日举行首次会议. 8, with the search launching formally later this month 和 visits of c和idates to campus occurring in early March. 

The assembly heard an update from 米勒 on the formation of the campus’s new Campus Sustainability Executive Council, 将: 

  • 调整计划和管理结构和优先级 
  • 优先考虑和协调校园可持续性运营
  • 作为参与的中心点, 与内部和外部利益相关者进行沟通和输入
  • Track, assess 和 assure reporting needs aligned with the STARS sustainability rating system

要了解更多背景信息和背景, 博彩平台推荐博鳌亚洲论坛网站.