CU 博尔德 Education Abroad offers almost 400 programs in over 70 countries, including 140 programs with business coursework. Leeds students can also fulfill non-business electives and A&S core while abroad. With advance planning, students can go abroad without delaying graduation. It’s also quite feasible for students to have more than one Global Experience! To learn more, visit the Business Education Abroad Guide 或者是 Education Abroad 一般的网站. 

The Education Abroad Process for a Leeds Student

  1. 完整的 Education Abroad 101 online or in person

  2. 研究 program options on the CU Education Abroad website's program search page 并博彩平台推荐 开始 网页
    • 点击这里 for a complete list of CU Education Abroad programs with business coursework
    • 点击这里 for a searchable database of pre-approved business classes in programs around the world
  3. For help getting started, schedule a meeting with Leeds Global.
  4. Visit the CU-博尔德 Education Abroad office in C4C to speak with a Education Abroad Advisor. No appointments necessary, but you should check the advising schedule if you wish to see an Advisor for a specific region
  5. Get courses reviewed with your advisor at Leeds, if the courses aren't already on the pre-approved list